
Join Konepaka Ketiwa for Spring Fellowship at Camp Loud Thunder! This will be a weekend of fun, fellowship, and food that's perfect for all OA members!...
Our theme this year is "Find Your Way Home." Cub Scouts will enjoy themed activities focused on orienteering, topographical maps, and so much more! We'll also have Cub Scout favorites like fishing, a forge demo and a rope bridge. We will also have Sweet Treats by Stacy and Kona Ice!...
This class is designed to give you solid first aid skills in a wilderness setting. This course teaches first aid skills for extreme situations in which emergency care is delayed for long periods or self-evacuation is necessary. It includes injury prevention, proper advanced preparation, more advanced first aid techniques, and...
Illowa Cub Scouts are invited to a Dungeons and Dragons themed day camp from June 17-21 at Scott County Park. Activities include shooting sports, crafts, and swimming, aimed at developing skills and team bonding. Registration ends May 31 and includes a shirt, patch, and supplies, with discounts for FOS goal...
Join the Illowa Council's Boy Scout Pro-Am golf tournament in 2024 to support Scouting camps. Your participation helps fund 'camperships' for Scouts. The event features a unique scramble format with a PGA professional's score aiding teams. Activities include a putting contest, BB-gun range, and auctions. Sponsorship opportunities are available. Enjoy...
Calling all Cub Scout Investigators! We're trying to figure out who took all the ice cream from Camp Loud Thunder, but we're a little stumped. We need the help of our Illowa Cub Scouts to join us at Cub Scout Resident Camp to solve the mystery!...
The Illowa Cub Scouts will host a Dungeons and Dragons themed day camp from July 14-19 at Singing Bird Lodge. The camp includes various activities for grades 1-5 and requires adult attendance for Tiger Scouts. Registration ends June 30, including fees for supplies and a t-shirt. Forms and packing essentials...
National Youth Leadership Training is an exciting, action-packed program designed for councils to provide youth members with leadership skills and experience they can use in their home troops and in other situations demanding leadership of self and others. Illowa Council is honored to be able to hold a course this...
Join Illowa Council and Crawford Brew Works for the Pintwood Derby! This is an adults only event where you can race a car, enjoy some local craft beer, and have a great time - all while supporting Scouts on a local level!...
Attend NOAC 2024 at the University of Colorado Boulder from July 27 to August 4, with limited spots. Registration includes meals, housing, transportation, activities, and lodge swag. Costs are $1,500 with a $250 refundable deposit until December 31, 2023. Full payment is due by May 31, 2024. Register by October...
The Annual Scouting Clays Classic, set for August 16-17, 2024, supports over 4,000 youth and leaders in Scouting through events like shooting competitions, auctions, and dinners. This significant fundraiser, having raised $1 million to date, offers diverse participation options, from shooting teams to attending as a guest. Contact details and...
Join the 2024 Community Impact Gala to support youth in the Illowa Council. The event on April 21 at the Camden Centre includes a reception, dinner, and program to celebrate Eagle Scouts and thank supporters. Participate in the silent auction, sponsorships, or make donations to contribute to Scouting programs like...