Title Sponsorship – ONE available at $4000
In exchange, we’ll promote your organization with a complimentary full page ad in our Gala program that hits the hands of every attendee, plus we’ll add your logo to this site and our main illowabsa.org site with links back to you so people can learn more about you and your organization.
As the exclusive Title Sponsor, we’ll add prominent signage at the stage and in the lobby to ensure our volunteers, donors, Eagle Scouts, and community leaders know about this amazing partnership! We would also welcome our Title Sponsor to provide their own marketing or display materials at this event.
Dinner Sponsorship – TWO available at $3000 each
In exchange, we’ll promote your organization in our Gala program that hits the hands of every attendee, plus we’ll add your logo to this site and our main illowabsa.org site with links back to you so people can learn more about you and your organization.
As a Dinner Sponsor, we’ll add signage at the buffet to ensure our volunteers, donors, Eagle Scouts, and community leaders know about this amazing partnership!
Dessert Sponsorship – TWO available at $1500 each
In exchange, we’ll promote your organization in our Gala program that hits the hands of every attendee, plus we’ll add your logo to this site and our main illowabsa.org site with links back to you so people can learn more about you and your organization.
As a Dessert Sponsor, we’ll add signage at the dessert table to ensure our volunteers, donors, Eagle Scouts, and community leaders know about this amazing partnership!
Community Leader Sponsorship – UNLIMITED available at $300 each.
- In exchange, we’ll share your name in our Gala program that hits the hands of every attendee (unless you request to remain anonymous) to ensure our volunteers, donors, and Eagle Scouts know about your contribution
Eagle Sponsorship – $60, UNLIMITED available! Help us cover the cost of the attending 2024 Eagle Scouts (they come for free!) through a sponsorship! This covers their meal, patch sets, and coin they receive when they attend.
Centerpiece Sponsorship – Donation of 50 small individually potted perennial or annual plants (flowers or veggies) that we can raffle off at the end of our event. We can provide a gift-in-kind letter for this opportunity. Your organization will receive all the same recognition, and we’ll also find a way to add your logo to each of the plants.