

Camping is an integral part of any Scouting program. Part of the reason youth sign-up for Scouting is because of the potential for ADVENTURE in our programs. Help your Scouts realize this potential by incorporating camping into your program. Below are some general resources to help your unit incorporate camping into their program plan. This is followed by program specific camping information

Cub Scout Camping Opportunities

Cub Scout camping introduces Cub Scouts to camping and helps them develop outdoor skills at an age-appropriate level that will later be applied more thoroughly as a Scout. The Illowa Council offers a variety of camping experiences for Cub Scouts to participate throughout the year. Information and signups for all opportunities will be found on  Events.

Day Camps are offered each summer at locations and dates all over the council. You can attend 1 or all of the day camps offered! Day Camp last from one to five days and have programming designed by volunteers to keep Scouts having fun all day.

Resident Camps are also offered in the summer at Camp Loud Thunder. These are overnight camping experiences with different themes and activities planned by camp staff. You can learn more about Cub Scout Resident Camp by visiting Camp Loud Thunder.

Council-Organized Family Camps are held each fall (HALT) and spring (STEALTH) at Camp Loud Thunder and are open to all members of the Cub Scout’s family, including siblings. These family overnight camps are themed and programmed by council volunteers.

Webelos Den Overnight Campouts are for Webelos Scouts only, with their parent or guardian. At these campouts, Webelos learn the basics of Scout camping under the direction of the Webelos Den Leader. Sometimes, leaders from a Troop my join as well. Webelos Den Leaders who want to organize den campouts must be Outdoor Webelos Leader (OWL) trained.

Pack Overnighters are overnight experiences organized by Pack leadership. Often these overnighters involve everyone in the family and the Pack leadership plan all of the meals and activities that will take place during the campout. Packs that want to have  overnight campouts must have a leader on the campout who has completed Basic Adult Leader Outdoor Orientation (BALOO).

Cub Scout Pack Overnighters can only happen at local campsites that have been inspected and approved by the local council. Click here for the current council approved campsite list for Cub Scout Pack Overnighters.

Scouts BSA and Venturing Camping Opportunities

Troops and Crews should be camping as part of their monthly programming. In these models, the Scouts in the unit plan the adventure while the adult leaders help youth plans come to fruition. Adult leaders are primarily responsible for youth safety. Trained leaders and two deep leadership are required for Troop and Crew outdoor adventures. Click Here to learn more about local camp sites for Troops and Crews.

The Illowa Council offers a variety of camping experiences for Scouts BSA and Venturers to participate throughout the year. Information and signups for all opportunities will be found on Events.

Camporees are council and district planned outings that give Scouts the opportunity to test their knowledge and skills in competitive events with other Scouts.

Summer camp is what many Scouts enjoy the most. Camp programs provide numerous opportunities for Scouts to earn merit badges along their advancement trail. Resident camp includes at least five nights and six days of fun outdoor activities. Locally, the Illowa Council has summer camp offerings at Camp Loud Thunder.

Jamborees are held every four years. More than 40,000 Scouts and leaders from across the country participate in this 10-day event filled with the most popular and highest quality outdoor activities Scouts enjoy. To participate, a Scout must be at least 12 years of age by July 1 of the jamboree year and be a First Class Scout.

National high adventure bases and programs are operated by the BSA. With two locations in the Florida Keys, the Florida National High Adventure Sea Base offers a variety of aquatic and boating programs. The Northern Tier National High Adventure Program, based in northern Minnesota with two satellite bases in Canada, provides a variety of canoe treks and programs. Philmont Scout Ranch in the mountains of New Mexico provides excellent backpacking treks. Age requirements for these programs vary, but most programs are rugged and designed for older Scouts. Check out the High Adventure page to learn more.